Latest News and Blogs

You can find our latest news and blogs from across our business here. 

  • SSEN moves to Yellow Alert

    Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks has moved to Yellow Alert for its north of Scotland distribution area.

    SSEN Logo
  • SSEN preparing for Storm Barbara

    SSEN is preparing its teams to respond to high winds which are forecast to hit Scotland later this week.

    SSEN Logo
  • Keith Christmas Lights

    Employees from Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks have given Keith Community Council a helping hand this winter by volunteering to put up Keith's Christmas lights.

    SSEN Logo
  • Boddam Christmas Lights

    Engineers from Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) have put their skills to use this festive season by helping put up the village Christmas lights in Boddam near Peterhead this winter.

    SSEN Logo
  • Inclusive service to support our customers

    Lisa Doogan, Director of Customer Relationship Management at SSEN, provides her thoughts on the importance of SSSEN being awarded the Inclusive Service Provision for the second year in a row.

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  • Inclusive Service Provision

    Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has met the requirements of the British Standard Inclusive Service Provision BS18477:2010 for a second consecutive year.

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