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Latest News and Blogs

You can find our latest news and blogs from across our business here. 

  • Storm Otto – 10am update

    Teams from SSEN Distribution have been out since first light this morning to resume efforts to restore power to the remaining homes impacted by Storm Otto, which resulted in widespread damage to SSEN’s electricity network in the north of Scotland.

    Storm Otto Update
  • Storm Otto – 9pm update

    Teams from Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Distribution have made excellent progress responding to the impacts of Storm Otto, which resulted in widespread damage to SSEN’s electricity network in the north of Scotland.

    Storm Otto Update
  • Storm Otto – 4:30pm update

    Teams from Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Distribution continue to respond to the impacts of Storm Otto, which resulted in widespread damage to SSEN’s electricity network in the north of Scotland.

    Storm Otto 4:30pm update
  • Storm Otto – 11am update

    Teams from Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Distribution are currently working to restore power to properties in its north of Scotland electricity network region impacted by Storm Otto.

    Engineering working together
  • Storm Otto: SSEN Distribution moves to Yellow Alert status

    This morning we have moved to Yellow Alert status in response to increased confidence of severe winds impacting the north of Scotland on Friday morning. The weather front has been named as Storm Otto by the Danish Meteorological Institute and adopted by the UK Met Office

    ssen engineer speaking with customer behind a van
  • Weather Warning - North of Scotland

    SSEN Distribution is moving to Weather Warning status in preparation for a period of unsettled weather forecast to affect the north of Scotland on Friday 17 February.

    SSEN engineers working to restore power following a storm

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