Our comittment to you
We promise to:
- Deliver value-for-money, and timely connections that meet the needs of all customers, including those in vulnerable situations.
- Offer customer choice, by further expanding on flexible connections and bespoke offerings to support net-zero.
- Provide user-friendly and accurate information to streamline the service we offer.
- Ensure simplicity and transparency at all stages of the connections process.

Connect to our network
Choose from the options below:
Connect up to 4 properties
Connect between 1-4 properties or a single connection up to 60 kVA -
Connect 5 or more properties
Connect 5 or more properties or a single connection up to 300kVA. -
Electric vehicle chargers
Find out more about electric vehicles and how to connect a new EV charger -
Unmetered connections
Examples of unmetered connections are street lights, bollards and traffic lights. -
Generation connections
Connect your large generation or energy storage site to our network.
Supporting information
Competitions in connections
Support and information for ICPs/IDNOs. -
Flexible connections
Avoid reinforcement costs by applying for a flexible connection. -
You have a choice
Did you know you have a choice? An Independent Connection Provider can carry out the contestable elements of your new connection.