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Generation Connections application wizard
Use the triage to determine which applications and required documents you need to connect your generation to our network.
Connect generation that requires less than 3.68kW per phase (G98 Commisioning)
Before notifying us, you need to complete the ENA's G98-B form.
Once completed, email the form to:
England: Notifications.southmicrogen@sse.com
Scotland: Notifications.northmicrogen@sse.com
Connect generation that requires less than 3.68kW per phase (G99 Commisioning)
Before notifying us, you need to complete the ENA's A3-1 form and provide your own schematics.
Once completed, email the form to:
England: Notifications.southmicrogen@sse.com
Scotland: Notifications.northmicrogen@sse.com
Connect generation that requires a single phrase (<7.36kW using manufacturer setting on inverter) or Three phase (<22.08kW)
Once completed, email the form to:
England: Notifications.southmicrogen@sse.com
Scotland: Notifications.northmicrogen@sse.com
Connect generation that requires a single phrase (<7.36kW using a G100 export limitation device to limit to 3.68kW or less)
Before notifying us, you need to complete the ENA's A1-2 form and provide your G100 document.
NOTE - Max EXPORT = 3.68kW per phase for the site.
NOTE - Max EXPORT = 3.68kW per phase for the site.
Once completed, email the form to:
England: Notifications.southmicrogen@sse.com
Scotland: Notifications.northmicrogen@sse.com
Connect generation that requires a single Phase (<14.72kW using G100 export limitation to 7.36kW or less) or Three Phase (22.08kW using G100 export limitation to 11.04kW or less)
Before notifying us, you need to complete the ENA's A3-3 form and provide your own schematics.