Useful links

For installations of above 3.68kW (kilowatts) per phase, but 50kW or less (If you have a three-phase supply, each phase must be 17kW or less.) For these larger projects, we will need to agree with you how best to connect your generator to our network. We may need to make some modifications to our network to allow your generator to operate correctly. Substantial work could be required therefore we recommend you contact your installer and liaise with us from an early stage especially before purchasing any equipment as the costs depend on a number of site specific variables. It can take up to 45 working days for you to receive a quotation from us for this application. The 45 working day countdown will start from the date you send us the correct information outlined below.

Your installer should provide the following information:

Completed ‘microgeneration connection (50kW or less)’ application form:

This should include the following:

  • Property address
  • Meter point administration number (MPAN)
  • Proposed total capacity of generation installed (kW)
  • Signed and dated Letter of authority from the landowner (Must be signed within the past 12 months)

Inverter Type Test Certificate

  • The power rating (kW) on the certificate should match the power rating (kW) of the inverter shown on the schematic diagram

Schematic Drawing

  • The generator itself
  • Name and power rating (kW) of the inverter being used
  • Live phases, neutral, earth
  • Lockable isolators
  • Clear demarcation between our and your equipment

Site plan

  • Map highlighting full land boundary
  • Mark the proposed/existing meter point
  • Mark the proposed location of generation

Once we have received all of the above information, we will register your project and your application will be passed to our connection designers to prepare your quotation.

To apply to connect your generation equipment, download and complete the G99 - Form A1-1 and attach it alongside our online application

Download and complete the G99 - Form A1-1

Note to installers:
Please ensure the information you provide is complete in full and to the specifications detailed above. This will ensure there are no delays in progressing your application.

Frequently asked questions

Do you know you have a choice?

Would you like to speak to us before you apply or have a question about an existing application?

Our team is available to help guide you through your generation journey and answer any questions you may have. If you would like to speak to us we are here Monday to Friday 08:00 - 17:00.
You have a choice