Access Agreement (i.e. Network Access Agreement):

A ‘Network Access Agreement’ means an agreement between the ICP and the Company which grants the ICP access to the Distribution Network.


Means, in respect of Contestable Works:

  • accredited under NERS; or
  • accredited by a DNO in relation to its own Distribution System, in respect of the relevant activity.


This means an agreement for the DNO to adopt the Contestable Work (so that the Contestable Work becomes part of the DNO's Distribution System), subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions.


After Diversity Maximum Demand

Adoption Agreement:

An ‘Adoption Agreement’ means an agreement between the Company and the ICP relating, to the adoption of the Contestable Connection Works by the Company.

All works:

As part of the Connections Service we offer, the customer can apply for a new connection and we will provide them with a quotation to carry out all the work, the Contestable and the NonContestable elements however the quotation is fully flexible and the customer can choose to only progress the Non-Contestable element.

All Works Quotation:

This means a Quotation where both the Contestable and Non-Contestable Works are carried out by Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc or Southern Electric Power Distribution plc.


Accelerated Loss of Mains Programme

Amps (current):

It is the amount of electricity you draw from the network. Think about a general domestic plug with 13 amp fuse, this will only draw a maximum of 13 amps of electricity.


Active Network Management

Appendix G:

The appendix in the Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC) offer that summarises the contracted generation connected to a Grid Supply Point. This information forms the basis of the new SoW process whereby DNOs can work within materiality limits set by National Grid.

Bilateral Connection Agreement (BCA):

A ‘Bilateral Connection Agreement’ is an agreement between us and another LDNO setting out the terms and conditions under which an embedded network shall be entitled to be and remain connected to the Distribution System.


Building Network Operator

CCMS / Connection Charging Methodology / Connection Charging Statement:

This means the methodology and statement as referenced in our Licence which provides a complete and documented explanation of the methods, principles and assumptions associated with our connection charges and related activities. The Connection Charging Statement sets out the basis of charges for the provision of a connection and is published on our website.

Connections Customer Steering Panel (CCSP):

An annual engagement session which gives customers and stakeholders more influence over our connections service


Constraint Managed Zone

Connections Meetings:

Consists of Connection Surgeries and Pre-application meetings. Sessions for any customers who wish to discuss a project with us at any stage in the connections process. More information can be found in our Connections Meetings Leaflet

Connection Offer Expenses (COE):

The costs that we incur in producing your Connection Offer. For certain types of connections, Connection Offer Expenses will be required to be paid by you even if you do not wish to accept your Connection Offer. You can find our Connection Offer Expenses user guide here

Competition and Markets Authority (CMA):

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is responsible for enforcing Competition Law through the Competition Act. The CMA is the primary UK authority in respect of competition law enforcement but regulators like Ofgem, Ofwat and Ofcom have concurrent powers. However the CMA must approve any enforcement action the regulator wishes to pursue and oversee how the regulator conducts each investigation.

Competition in Connections (CiC):

The ability for a customer to seek connection to the network using a Lloyd’s accredited ICP of their choice

Connection Agreement (CA):

A ‘Connections Agreement’ is an agreement between Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc or Southern Electric Power Distribution plc and the customer to provide and maintain a connection to our Distribution Network. The terms and conditions of the Connection are set out in the Connection Agreement.

Connections Designer:

A Connections Designer is a quoter or designer who provides an All Works Quotation to a customer. Connections designers require to request Non-Contestable costs for an All Works Quotation from a Network Connections Designer.

Connections Guaranteed Standards of Performance:

This means the standards of performance set out under the Electricity (Connections Standards of Performance) Regulations 2015 and the Electricity Connections Distributed Generation Standards. Standards of performance.

Contestable Connections Services:

Also known as Contestable Works are works necessary for the provision of the connection which can also be undertaken by an ICP or an IDNO.

Contestable Works:

Also known as Contestable Connection Activities, are works necessary for the provision of the Connection which in accordance with our Connection Charging Methodology Statement can also be undertaken by an ICP or an IDNO.

Cost Apportionment:

When the cost items cannot be accurately allocated to a particular cost centre, then such items of cost are pro-rated amongst various cost objects, on an equitable basis. This is known as cost apportionment. It is the distribution of different cost items in proportions to the cost unit or cost centre on a suitable basis. Apportionment of cost refers to the distribution of various overhead items, in proportion, to the department on a logical basis. The apportionment will share the cost among multiple cost units, in the proportion of expected benefit received.


Current transformer


Coronavirus pandemic


Distributed Energy Resources

Distributed Generation (DG):

This means an installation as defined under the Licence comprising plant or apparatus for the production of electricity that is directly connected to the licensee’s Distribution System or is connected to that system through one or more electricity networks (other than through an onshore Transmission System) that are directly connected to it.

Distribution Code:

This means the Distribution Code that Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc is required to have in force and maintain under its Licence.

Distribution Licence / Licensee:

Also known as Electricity Distribution Licence means a licence granted or treated as granted under section 6 (1) (c) of the Electricity Act 1989 that authorises an electricity distributor to distribute electricity.

Distribution Network Operator (DNO):

Responsible for owning, operating and maintaining the electrical network in their geographical
licence areas.

Distribution System:

Means the system as defined under Licence consisting (wholly or mainly) of electric lines owned or operated by an authorised distributor that is used for the distribution of electricity from grid supply points or generation sets or other Entry Points to the points of delivery to Customers or Users.


Distribution System Operator


If there is a fault in your electrical installation you could get an electric shock if you touch a live metal part. This is because the electricity may use your body as a path from the live part to the earth part. Earthing is used to protect you from an electric shock. It does this by providing a path (a protective conductor) for a fault current to flow to earth. It also causes the protective device (either a circuitbreaker or fuse) to switch off the electric current to the circuit that has the fault.

ECCR (The Electricity Connection Charges Regulations):

Means the Electricity (Connection Charges) Regulations 2017, also known as the ‘Second Comer


Embedded Generation Connection Agreement


Electric Vehicle

Expert Panel:

A panel of Connections stakeholders chosen by their peers to represent their respective stakeholder


Frequently Asked Questions

Fin Con:

A term used in PROMIS meaning final connection.

Flexible Connections:

We want to make sure that the rules governing how electricity is bought and delivered will allow consumers and industry to draw as much benefit as they can from network flexibility. We define flexibility as ‘modifying generation and/or consumption patterns in reaction to an external signal (such as a change in price) to provide a service within the energy system’. Our customers may wish to connect to our network but due to constraints are unable to. Therefore Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks have developed a suite of alternative and flexible connections. These allow our customers to connect to the network as an alternative to reinforcement or until reinforcement is completed. Our customers may request or be offered this type of connection either by directly asking or as an alternative to a previous traditional connection offer.

Framework partners/agreement:

A framework is generally seen as an overarching agreement between buying and supplying parties which outlines the principles under which contracts can be placed. The framework operates as a general ‘umbrella agreement’ that sets out the terms under which individual contracts can be made throughout the period of the framework. A framework does not guarantee any award of business or commit a buyer to making any purchases. It is the contracts placed under the framework that commit buyers and suppliers to one another. The framework partner would then be the company we have the agreement with.

Guaranteed Standards:

The Quality of Service Guaranteed Standards are guaranteed standards of service levels that must be met by each distribution company. These standards have been set by OFGEM to guarantee a level of service that is reasonable to expect companies to deliver in all cases. OFGEM monitor and enforce the guaranteed standards relating to quality of supply. The guaranteed standards cover 12 key service areas, including supply restoration, connections and voltage quality. G81 Library Library of technical specification and standards documents.


Engineering Recommendation G99 replaces Engineering Recommendation G59 and details the requirements for generation equipment connecting to distribution networks. The new G99 standard has more onerous operating requirements compared to the previous G59 standard, especially for generation schemes that are 1MW or larger.


The purpose of Engineering Recommendation G98 is to explain the technical requirements for connection of Micro-generators for operation in parallel with a public Low Voltage Distribution Network, by addressing all technical aspects of the connection process, from standards of functionality to on-site commissioning.

EREC G100:

Engineering Recommendation G100 is a Technical Guidance for Customer Export Limiting Schemes, a document published by ENA


General Data Protection Regulation

Geographical Information System (GIS):

A system that spatially maps out our electricity distribution network assets. SSEN’s GIS is called Electric Office (EO)

Grid Supply Point (GSP):

The point at which electricity enters the distribution network, leaving the transmission network

Heat Maps:

Maps of our HV network, colour coded based on the available capacity on any given circuit

Incentive on Connections Engagement (ICE):

A regulatory incentive for all DNOs to engage with connections stakeholders

Independent Connection Provider (ICP):

If accredited and registered with Lloyds, Independent Connection Providers can compete with DNOs to provide Contestable Connection Services.

Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO):

IDNOs develop, operate and maintain local electricity distribution networks which are directly connected to the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) networks or indirectly to the DNO via another IDNO.


Internal Steering Group


Internal Working Group


Means Licensed Distribution Network Operator. Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc are licensed distribution network operators (DNOs).


‘Interactivity’ occurs where we receive more than one application making use of the same parts of the network, or where applications have a material effect on earlier applications. Interactivity means that the validity of one quotation is dependent on the outcome of the other. Where there are multiple customers applying to make use of the same parts of the network, we have an ‘interactive queue’. Queue position is determined by the date we received a ‘competent’ application Where we refer to ‘Conditional’ and ‘Unconditional’ in this section, this relates only to the interactivity process and not any other terms or conditions in the connection Offers. An Unconditional Offer means that this customer has first refusal on the connection and their Offer is not dependent on the acceptance of any of the other applicants in the interactivity queue. Conditional Offers are made on the premise that all Offers ahead of them in the interactivity queue are not accepted. If any of the connection Offers ahead of them in the interactivity queue do accept and the network can’t accommodate the next Offer, then the Offer is withdrawn by the network company irrespective of whether the customer has accepted or not.


Local Energy Oxfordshire


A Letter of Authority (LOA) from the landowner authorising the company to make the application on their behalf.

For ICP/IDNOs for unmetered works - A Letter of Authority (LOA) from the Asset Owner/End User, authorising the ICP to make the application on their behalf.


Means a monetary sum, forming part of a Connection Charge, which is in addition to the cost estimated to be incurred by SHEPD/SEPD in providing the Connection Activity that is the subject of that charge.

Market Segment:

This means one of the nine Market Segments specified in CRC 2K (Margins on licensee’s Connection Activities) of the electricity distribution licence.

For demand connections:

(a) LV work: low voltage Connection Activities involving only low voltage work, other than in respect of Excluded Market Segments;

(b) HV work: low voltage or high voltage Connection Activities involving high voltage work (including where that work is required in respect of Connection Activities within an LVSSA or LVSSB connection);

(c) HV and EHV work: low voltage or high voltage Connection Activities involving extra high voltage work; and

(d) EHV work and above: extra high voltage and 132kV Connection Activities.

For distributed generation connections:

(a) LV work: low voltage Connection Activities involving only low voltage work; and

(b) HV and EHV work: any Connection Activities involving work at high voltage or above.

For unmetered connections:

(a) LA work: new Connection Activities in respect of local authority premises; (b) PFI work: new Connection Activities under private finance initiatives; and

(c) Other work: all other non-local authority and non-PFI unmetered connections work.


Represents a significant stage in our internal connections process. PROMIS will use the milestone to notify the relevant department that a task needs to be actioned.


Meter Point Administration Number

Natural Monopoly:

When one party controls the supply of goods or services and / or the most efficient number of organisations in the industry is 1. DNOs are natural monopolies, and because of this all DNOs are regulated to protect the consumer.

Network Connections Designer:

Where the term “Network Connections Designer” is used in this document this represents a quote or designer who provides Non-Contestable Quotation to a customer and / or Non-Contestable costs and information to a Connections Designers for All Works Quotations. Additionally, Network Connections Designers provide Quotations for wholly Non-Contestable projects such as diversions and service alterations.


National Grid Electricity System Operator

Non-Contestable Connections Services:

Those services which are necessary for the provision of a connection but cannot be provided by a person other than Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution (SHEPD) or Southern Electric Power Distribution (SEPD).

Non-Contestable Works:

Also known as Non-Contestable Connections Services are those services which are necessary for the provision of a connection and in accordance with our Connection Charging Statement, cannot be provided by a person other than Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc or Southern Electric Power Distribution plc.


Part-Funded Reinforcement


This means 'Point of Connection' which is the point (or points) of physical connection to our existing Distribution System


The point on the licensee’s Distribution System at which the Premises will be directly or indirectly connected to that system.


This means 'Point of Supply' which is the point (or points) of physical connection of the electricity supply into the property.

Project progression:

A national grid process that allows customers to connect at a grid supply point under Appendix G that has no head room


PROMIS is Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution’s (SSEPD’s) Project Management Information System for quoting and managing rechargeable works, from the initial enquiry stage through to construction and financial closure of jobs.

PROMIS Estimating Screens:

These screens contain the designer’s description of the works required and allow them to build the Quotation using the cost of materials required.


Quotation means information provided by SEPD and/or SHEPD in writing, following a Request for Quotation, and includes information relating to the POC, a statement of the charges that will apply in accordance with the Licence and the Charging Methodology, and any other information reasonably requested by the applicant. For the avoidance of doubt, the term Quotation includes All Works Quotations and POC Quotations.

Queue Management:

The process of better management of slow-moving contracts to release unused capacity


Question and Answer


Price control period running from 2015-2023


Price control period running from 2023-2028

Second Comer:

‘Second Comer’ also known as a “subsequent contributor”, in relation to a second connection, means a person who has—

(a) obtained the second connection; and

(b) received a demand for a reimbursement payment

Under ECCR.

Solar Photo Voltaic (PV):

Solar panel electricity systems, also known as solar photovoltaics (PV), capture the sun's energy using photovoltaic cells. These cells don't need direct sunlight to work – they can still generate some electricity on a cloudy day. The cells convert the sunlight into electricity, which can be used to run household appliances and lighting.


Solent Achieving Value from Efficiency


Social Constraint Managed Zone

Southern Electric Power Distribution (SEPD):

Distribution area for the south central part of England that is part of SSEN

Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution (SHEPD):

Distribution area for the northern part of Scotland that is part of SSEN

Statement of Works (SoW):

A process that should be followed when it is identified that a generator seeking a connection to a DNO’s network may have an impact on the transmission network


Scottish Power Energy Networks


Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks


The part of our network where distributed generation is connected and we transfer power across boundaries, either by voltage level or a customer’s point of common coupling

The Competition Act 1998:

The Competition Act 1998 is based on European Law and reflects Articles 101 & 102 of the Treaty of the functioning of the European Union.

The competition act is designed to prohibit:

Agreements between Business, Decisions between Associations of Business or practices which result in the prevention, restriction, or distortion of fair competition in the United Kingdom. Abuse of a dominant position within the UK or any part of the UK.

Time to Connect:

The time taken (in Working days) to complete a connection, once acceptance is received of a quotation.

Time to Quote:

The time taken (in Working Days) to issue a connection quotation, from the receipt of an initial application.


UK Power Networks

Unmetered Connection:

An ‘Unmetered Connection’ means a Connection to allow a supply of electricity to a particular piece of electrical equipment that draws a current and is connected to the distribution network without a meter.

Unmetered Supply:

This means a supply of electricity to premises that is not being measured by Metering Equipment for the purpose of calculating the charges for that supply.

Voltage (Volts):

Voltage is the amount of pressure required to push current around a circuit, the higher the voltage the faster it travels, the more you can draw

Watts (W):

Measurement of power - Volts (V) x Amps (A) = Watts (W)


Wayleave Agreements govern network operators’ use of a specific piece of land to install, access and operate equipment in a reliable and safe way. Landowners are entitled to an annual payment of rent or compensation under the agreement terms. Wayleave payments are intended to reflect the type of equipment and impact on the land. The landowner will be paid annually in arrears and the payment will be for rent. Compensation can be paid if the equipment is deemed to interfere with agricultural operations.

When you start building works you may find there is requirement to cross neighbouring grounds, if this is the case we need to obtain consent from your neighbours. There may also be a need to seek consent (Wayleaves) from statutory organisations and other authorities with interest in the land. We advise that you apply for your connection before you start building, particularly if there is a need to cross other grounds.


Online conference


Western Power Distribution