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Latest News and Blogs

You can find our latest news and blogs from across our business here. 

  • Major boost to the electricity network in Aberdeenshire

    A major project which will make the power supplies to over 700 properties in Maud, New Deer and New Blyth more robust, resilient and reliable is under way.

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  • SSEN Weather Watch for October 2021

    September was a warmer than average month, with wind speeds below average, but now into October we're looking at a wetter start to the month. To find out what's forecast for the month ahead, read our October Weather Watch here...

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  • SSEN project helps restores Abbotsbury ancient views

    The Dorset village of Abbotsbury is the latest area in central southern England to benefit from a scheme by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks to replace sections of its overhead power cables in areas that will be most visually improved by undergrounding the network...

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  • SSEN completes project to boost Poole power supplies

    A substantial programme of works by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks to boost power supplies to over 16,000 homes and businesses in a Dorset town have been completed to budget...

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  • SSEN Bracknell Forest Council work to boost electric vehicle uptake

    Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks and Bracknell Forest Council are working together to ensure the area's electricity infrastructure is robust and ready as homes and businesses in the Berkshire town adopt low carbon technologies, such as electric vehicles...

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  • Hampshire villages power supplies future proofed through SSEN investment

    The power supplies of a series of Hampshire villages are being upgraded through a £470,000 investment by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) to improve the strength and efficiency of the network serving customers living and working in the area...

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