Latest News and Blogs

You can find our latest news and blogs from across our business here. 

  • SSEN Weather Watch for February 2021

    A look back to last month reveals that January, with an average temperature of 2.2C, made it the coldest January across the UK since 2010, but what does February have in store?

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  • SSEN trials innovative technology to predict and prevent power cuts

    Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is trialing innovative technology across central southern England to predict' and prevent power cuts, using Distribution Fault Anticipation systems work to identify network faults before they interrupt customers' power supplies...

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  • SSEN and SWR partnership working brings benefits to the Isle of Wight

    Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is working in partnership with South Western Railway to carry out essential upgrade works on the Isle of Wight, boosting the resilience of power supplies while minimising disruption to customers...

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  • SSENs food bank donation scheme makes first deliveries in South East

    Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks colleagues are working to provide extra support to the communities it serves in the South East by setting up a donation centre to supply local food banks and will make their first deliveries on Friday 29 January...

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  • Citizens Advice Scotland

    SSEN Distribution and Citizens Advice Scotland are urging people to take advantage of free energy advice this winter.

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  • Westbury residents supported through pandemic with help from SSEN funding

    Funding from Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is helping a Wiltshire town council in their ongoing efforts to provide community support to its vulnerable residents during the coronavirus pandemic and the current lockdown...

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