Latest News and Blogs
You can find our latest news and blogs from across our business here.
SSEN moves to Yellow Alert status in the north of Scotland ahead of stormy weather this weekend
We're now at Yellow Alert in the north of Scotland ahead of storm-force winds forecast for the weekend. This status reflects our heightened level of preparedness and our latest assessment of the winds’ potential impact.
We're moving to Weather Warning status ahead of gale-force winds forecast for Saturday and Sunday
We’re at Weather Warning status in the north of Scotland ahead of a period of forecast stormy weather this weekend.
Blog: It will be Distribution that delivers Decarbonisation
Ahead of the UK Government's publication of its Clean Power 2030 Action Plan, our Managing Director Chris Burchell wrote for Utility Week, to set out how we've been preparing for the future with our own distinctive Strategic Development Plans.
SSEN fundraisers travel the length of the British Isles for Motor Neurone Disease Association
Colleagues have completed a challenge to raise funds for the Motor Neurone Disease Association, and hundreds of pounds have been collected to donate to the national charity.
Distribution’s teams shine at SSE Group’s Engineering Growth Hub Awards
Our teams were among the award winners at SSE Group’s Engineering Growth Hub Awards, which were held in Glasgow this week.
Our latest innovation projects win £550,000 to speed up progress to net zero
Our Innovation Team is pleased to announce that all our latest project submissions have been approved for a total of £550,000 funding from Ofgem’s Strategic Innovation Fund.
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