What is DSO and Why It Matters

DSO.  An abbreviation which spells out the future electricity system which will keep us all connected for decades to come, and power us to our shared net zero future. 

When getting your head around the phrase “DSO”, it’s perhaps easier to not think about what it stands for, but instead to consider the activities that sit beneath its broad umbrella.  

But a brief explanation of what it stands for won’t do any harm. Companies like Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks are known in the industry as Distribution Network Operators, or DNOs for short. This is because we Operate the Distribution (i.e. lower voltage) Electricity Network in the areas where we hold the licence to do so.  

But the electricity network is changing.  Hence “System” has become an increasingly apt description, as it reflects the evolving, growing role electricity is playing in all our lives. 

The Evolution of the Electricity Network

More of us are driving EVs, which means we need to charge them. More of us are heating our homes with heat pumps; they’re displacing gas boilers in growing numbers of properties.  Solar panels are becoming more common on the roofs of houses and commercial or industrial premises. Their occupants are keen to sell their excess stored energy back to the grid.  All these developments and technologies need to be linked up. No wonder then that what was once a relatively simple, unidirectional electricity generation and distribution network has become a much more complex multi-directional system.  

DSO in Action: What It Does

Now we’ve explained more about what DSO is, let’s focus on what it does.  This is a timely look, as we’re putting the finishing touches to a programme of events – our DSO in Action Autumn Series - which will update the people and groups we work alongside, with the latest updates on our DSO function and what we expect to deliver in the near future. Keep an eye out on socials and at our DSO website www.ssen.co.uk/dso for more information about the range of events we’ll be hosting. 

Stay Informed: Join Our DSO In Action Autumn Series

Growth of our Flexibility Services will be a key focus. This involves running more auctions to procure flexibility wherever it’s needed, with the aim of further developing a dynamic and responsive grid that ensures reliability, and supports new low carbon tech, while also balancing supply and demand and connecting new renewable energy sources.  

Removing barriers and creating opportunities are also key to enabling growth in flexibility and the inclusivity that ensures a fair and open market. Whether you’re a large industrial player or small community energy project, we’re committed to making the flexibility market accessible and beneficial for you all.  

And we want you to bring your knowledge to the table as we work together to map out the strategic development of our network and the future of the grid. Your insights and feedback will help us design reliable systems aligned to the needs and expectations of your communities and deliver our shared net zero vision for the future.  

We hope this article has helped to explain DSO for you – and a reminder to keep an eye out on our social media channels and our DSO website www.ssen.co.uk/dso for full details of our DSO In Action Autumn Series events. We look forward to seeing you there!