Image above from left to right shows: Hannah Dayman (Lindford Parish Council), Trevor Slater (SSEN), Seb (The Royal Exchange Pub), Josh (The Royal Exchange Pub), Charlie Thompson (SSEN) and Tara Hotston (Lindford Parish Council)

As a gesture of appreciation and thanks to the local community for their patience during recent reinforcement projects, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has supported this year’s Lindford Parish Fete.

Held this year on Saturday 6 July, the Lindford Parish Fete is a much-loved annual event; bringing the community together for a day of fun, food, and fundraising which contributes to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance, a vital service for the region.

In addition to supporting the Hampshire village fete, SSEN’s sponsorship has also enabled the parish council to acquire two large festival BBQs and two gazebos, which were used during the fete and will now be made available to the community for their use during events.

Martin Powell, Project Manager at SSEN, said:

"We’re delighted to sponsor the Lindford Parish Fete and contribute to an event that means so much to this community. The BBQs and gazebos have enhanced this year's fete and will be put to good use by the village’s residents for their future events and activities.

"SSEN recognises the impact that our recent essential works had on the community, as we reinforced the network to keep power flowing to the local area through a more robust and flexible infrastructure.”

Martin continued:

“We are committed to supporting the communities we serve, so sponsoring this event and gifting the BBQs and gazebos are our way of saying ‘thank you’ for your patience and understanding.”

Cllr Tara Hotston, Vice Chair of Lindford Parish Council, said:

"Our residents and local businesses make our community what it is and we will always support them where we can and have done so throughout SSEN’s reinforcement programme.

“We all come together once a year to organise the village fete, which takes a huge amount of time and effort. Having the additional funding from SSEN has enabled us to invest in assets that we can all use year on year."

For more information about SSEN's recent works in the Alton-Bordon area, including the latest updates on where the project team are working, and how the projects will boost the network for local homes and businesses, please visit