Yesterday evening, we announced the winners in our first-ever supplier sustainability awards. Today, the hard work to be an ever-more sustainable company goes on.

Before I tell you more about our winners, and the great work they’ve been doing, I want to bring you up to date on our sustainability journey, and why we’re now recognising the work of our contract partners in this new way.

In 2023, we launched our Sustainable Supplier Code. It set out to embed sustainability into everything we do. Given the breadth of work we’re involved in, we have a diverse supply chain, which features international conglomerates, independent local suppliers, and firms of all sizes in between.

The idea of holding awards came about following conversations with suppliers themselves, who were eager for clear targets to work towards, and the healthy competition and the examples of best practice such contests can showcase.

Each award category recognises a project that’s made a significant contribution in a particular area, and shows demonstrable benefits when it comes to our three pillars of sustainability – society, the economy, and the environment.

In the first year of the Code, we’ve engaged with nearly 100 suppliers in person; and nearly half of what we spend through them is already aligned with the Code’s values.  We’re well on the way to our target having 80% of our supply chain (by spend) signed up to the code by 2028. The intended positive impact of this will be a reduction in our Scope 3 emissions (those which occur across our supply chain that are beyond our direct control), and support for our suppliers to reduce their own Scope 1 and 2 emissions, which are those they have direct control of.

Last night’s awards put a marker down, to celebrate this great progress. The entries were all of a very high standard, and the judging panel, which was made up of a diverse range of senior figures and specialists from across SSEN Distribution had a tough time deciding who the winners were.

The winner in the Engineering category was subsea cable firm Briggs Marine

In 2022, a planned cable route came onshore in an area of machair, which is among the rarest habitats in Europe.  Its high shell content makes it unique, and it’s home to home to a remarkable array of wildflowers and birdlife.

Briggs Marine rose to this challenge, working tirelessly to make a preservation plan, which it adhered to meticulously.  A post-installation visit made one year after works were completed confirmed they’d preserved this special habitat successfully.

P.F. Cusack prevailed in the Circular Economy category

P.F Cusack have successfully launched a scheme that recycles old road furniture like road signs and cones that are a necessity when carrying out work safely on the electricity network.  These items at the end of their life have been turned into new products, meaning lower carbon emissions, and less waste going to landfill. Since the scheme launched, almost 134,000kg of material has been recycled.

Lucy Electric was named the winner in the Social Value category

Lucy Electric launched its Corporate Social Responsibility strategy almost a decade ago, with the funding of a few saplings. Its workers then formed planting parties, which have gone on to plant over 3,000 trees a year. The firm operates globally, and it now supports remedial work on coral reefs, mangrove plantations, plastic connections, and wildlife conservation.

The successful entry in the Team / Individual category was Tratos’ CEO and Chairman Professor Dr Maurizio Bragagni OBE

Dr Bragagni's vision, leadership and immense contribution has  transformed the business into a sustainable one. This award comes after the firm won the 2019 Queen’s Award for Innovation.

Kyte Powertech won the Low Carbon category

Kyte Powertech has reduced its carbon output by 74% and achieved an 88% reduction in landfill waste since 2000.

Every one of these is a worthy winner, but as we congratulate them, I’d also like to praise our runners up too; their work is also a huge part of our positive progress when it comes to our goals for ever-greater sustainability.

So here’s to next year’s awards, and the achievements we’ll make together in the months to come

by Shirley Robertson, SSEN Distribution's Head of Sustainability