Three towns on the Isle of Wight have benefitted from an £191,000 investment by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) to install technology that will help to ‘self-restore’ electricity supplies.

The distribution operator has installed the automated system on the network supplying over 5,500 customers in areas of Cowes, Ryde and Ventnor, meaning that power supplies to homes and businesses there can be restored faster than ever in the event of a power cut; generally in less than three minutes.

The Automated Power Restoration System (APRS) enables the electricity network powering homes and businesses to ‘self-restore’. The innovative and self-adapting system detects when, and where, there is a fault on the network, then - if safe to do so - either chooses the most suitable alternative cable circuit to switch supplies to or sends a signal to the main control room where engineers can restore power with the push of a button. All of this is done in just a matter of minutes, so many customers are unaware of the temporary interruption to their power supply.

Automation planner for SSEN, Alex King, said:

“Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks constantly looks for new and innovative ways to improve the electricity infrastructure to meet customers’ needs, and I’m delighted that we have been able to complete these works that will benefit three areas across the island.

“By investing in technology, such as APRS, SSEN is building in a further layer of resilience to electricity supplies; keeping power flowing to customers through an efficient and steady supply. While APRS can’t prevent power cuts entirely, it helps to reduce the incidence of them and the number of customers affected, by quickly switching affected supplies to a part of the network that hasn’t been impacted.”

Alex continued:

“As more local homes and businesses on the Isle of Wight take up low carbon technologies - such as electric vehicles, heat pumps and solar panels - SSEN is working to provide a network that is fit for the future. We’re also conscious of the influx of tourists to the island’s towns over the summer months and ensuring we have a supply that can accommodate these additional demands.”

Taking 12 months to complete, the works started in 2022 and are now fully operational in the following areas:

  • Uplands Road
  • Cockleton Lane
  • Nodes Road
  • Newport Road
  • Albert Street
  • Belgrave Road
  • Treetops
  • Orchard Road
  • Rope Walk

While dramatically reducing the duration of unplanned power cuts, automation also means SSEN’s engineers can investigate the actual fault faster and resolve any network issues while power is still being supplied via alternative circuits.

As environmental impact and reducing the carbon footprint of the company is a priority for SSEN, APRS also reduces the need for engineers to physically switch power back on at source; thereby cutting unnecessary travel and allowing engineers and resources to be redirected to other areas of network maintenance.

SSEN works in an efficient, reliable and sustainable way which is enhanced through automation and other technologies, and helps the distribution operator to match the pace of customers’ lives while minimising disruption and inconvenience.

While SSEN works year-round to build and maintain a strong and flexible network for its 3.1 million customers in central southern England, severe weather events and damage to the network can still bring the potential for unplanned power cuts. Anyone who has concerns about vulnerability during power cuts is reminded of SSEN’s Priority Services Register.

Customers are eligible for SSEN's free Priority Services Register (PSR) if they: 

  • Are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Have a disability
  • Live with children under five
  • Are blind or partially sighted
  • Have a chronic illness
  • Use medical equipment/aids reliant on electricity
  • Are over 60
  • Temporarily need extra support

To find out more about the PSR, click here or call 0800 294 3259. Additionally, you can access further information on power cuts and how SSEN can assist you during this time, by going to: Power cuts & safety - SSEN.