Thursday 31 August 2023

In July of this year, the distribution operator began the project to increase the capacity and strength of power supplies to around 10,350 homes and businesses in the historic Dorset town of Sherborne.

Intended to run until September 2023, the works will now run until December 2023 with an increased investment totalling £1.9 million, after the potential to further develop the existing network was discussed and agreed with local authorities and stakeholders.  

Ongoing work has been focused on upgrading the Sherborne Primary Substation - by replacing vital components including transformers, switchgear and 33kV circuit breakers - and will now turn to replacing existing 11kV circuit breakers; keeping the power flowing for those living and working in the area and better accommodating their need to take up low carbon technologies such as solar panels and electric vehicles.

Aaron Reed is SSEN’s Project Manager for the Sherborne upgrade. He said:
“While extending investment and works on an already ongoing project can be quite unusual, Sherborne’s network will benefit greatly by furthering these works to include existing cable replacement.

“We’ve worked carefully with local stakeholders to fully understand the implications of extending this upgrade and the potential this may have for any disruption to local customers. By listening and adapting our plans to suit the needs of those living, working and learning in Sherborne, we have aligned with the local authority and the nearby school to ensure minimum inconvenience and noise.”
Aaron continued:
“I’d very much like to thank local residents, business owners and our stakeholders at Sherborne School for understanding our desire to elevate this project to better suit customers’ needs and for working with us to give us the additional time required to build a better, stronger network that will meet their needs for many years to come."

Measures are in place throughout the works to reduce the potential for noise disruption and any temporary traffic restrictions will be authorised by the local authority, with any customers in the vicinity of works being notified well in advance.

While SSEN has no planned supply interruptions for the duration of this programme of works, severe weather events can still bring the potential for unplanned power cuts. Anyone who has concerns about vulnerability during power cuts is reminded of SSEN’s Priority Services Register.

Customers are eligible for SSEN's free Priority Services Register (PSR) if they: 

  • Are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Have a disability
  • Live with children under five
  • Are blind or partially sighted
  • Have a chronic illness
  • Use medical equipment/aids reliant on electricity
  • Are over 60
  • Temporarily need extra support

To find out more about the PSR, click here or call 0800 294 3259. Additionally, you can access further information on power cuts and how SSEN can assist you during this time, by going to: Power cuts & safety - SSEN.