11 October 2023


The innovative ‘Local Energy Net Zero Accelerator’ (LENZA) tool has been developed alongside leading software provider Advanced Infrastructure, with input from stakeholders across SSEN Distribution’s licence areas in the north of Scotland and central southern England.

With the growth in low-carbon transport and heating, local authorities have a key role in planning the infrastructure that will support the choices that will drive net zero.  The LENZA tool will show live capacity on the network and predicted constraints, allowing local authorities to make better decisions on where to put new energy assets or roll out low-carbon programmes.  It uses a traffic light system to show whether a new energy asset could be accommodated on the existing network or where further development is required.

The tool draws together data from multiple sources into a single graphical map that can overlay network data, socio-economic data and information from gas and water utilities to help plan the roll-out of low carbon technologies (LCT) such as charging points for electric vehicles or heat pump retrofit schemes.  This will help local authorities by enabling these technologies to be sited in cost-effective locations in places for the benefit of all people in local communities.  The tool will also give SSEN an early heads-up of additional network needs, creating an effective partnership for accelerating net zero.

Following a successful pilot with three local authorities, the tool is now available to all local authorities across SSEN’s licence areas, and will be deployed on a staged basis, where an active resourced programme to develop a Local Area Energy Plan is in place.

Andy Wainwright, SSEN Distribution’s Whole System Development Manager, said,

“Local electricity networks are key in the transition to net zero and this exciting new tool will help local authorities properly ‘road-test’ the interactions between various spatial planning options and energy network needs.  That means more efficient and targeted Local Area Energy Plans, where existing network capacity is optimised and future grid requirements can be strategically planned, avoiding constraints and delays.

“We’re delighted to make this tool available to all local authorities in our area, and through our dedicated team we are committed to working with them and other energy partners to help accelerate local area energy plan development. This type of whole system partnership working is crucial in making net zero a reality.”

One early adopter of the LENZA tool is Dundee City Council, who are working with SSEN Distribution and SGN through the innovative RESOP project to ensure energy networks are a key consideration in delivering Dundee’s climate ambition.

Barbara Whiting, Sustainability and Climate Change Manager at Dundee City Council, said:

“The City of Dundee continues to take a leading role in the transition to net zero, ensuring that the right low carbon investment decisions we make today will put us on the best footing for this challenge. We’re delighted to be working in partnership with SSEN to develop the LENZA tool which will take a ‘whole systems’ overview of the energy networks in our city and underpin our new Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy.”

SSEN has written out to all local authorities to invite them to actively participate in the next phase of Local Energy Net Zero Accelerator (LENZA) programme. Expressions of interest can also be registered below.

Click here to register your interest