Fifteen pupils from Trinity School, Newbury and Fernhill School, Farnborough visited the company’s Thatcham training school recently, where engineers learn to maintain critical electricity infrastructure, helping keep communities across the UK connected.

The teenagers took part in a range of activities and heard what it would be like to work in a wide range of roles, from helping deliver the world’s largest offshore wind farm, essential network upgrades and hydrogen, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and hydro-electric power projects.

The activities include working at heights, fixing electrical infrastructure and the basics of first aid, CPR and how to use a defibrillator. The youngsters also spoke to existing apprentices and learned about a typical day in the life. 

Pupil in cherry picker

John Stewart, SSE Director of HR, said: 

“It has been a pleasure to welcome these enthusiastic and engaged pupils to our training centres. As well as taking part in some practical tasks they have had a unique opportunity to hear more about the multi-billion-pound projects which will drive forward the creation of a cheaper, cleaner more secure UK energy system for all. I hope that they have been suitably inspired to pursue a career in energy.”

Teacher Sue Murdoch from Fernhill School said:

“Bringing our year 11s to the SSE Training Centre was a really worthwhile experience for them, they came away understanding more about the apprenticeships they are applying for, the benefits and expectations of the role. I would definitely recommend taking part in future events.”

SSE is on track to invest up to £24bn this decade in the UK’s low-carbon and renewable energy infrastructure. As the distribution operator for central southern England, SSEN invests over £150 million a year in building resilience across its network, through upgrading and reinforcing the electricity infrastructure.

The company estimates its projects will deliver 1,000 direct jobs a year to 2025 across the UK and many more through its supply chain, and it is already supporting more than 40,000 roles across the country. It also recently welcomed around 150 apprentices and 150 graduates to the business.

Find out more about all of the opportunities at SSE here.