The idea of these deliveries came about after the village’s community resilience event at the end of last year, and has been a great way of ensuring that every household in Carrbridge is aware of the free help and support SSEN Distribution can offer on the rare occasions there is a power cut.

Pamela Harvey, SSEN Distribution’s Customer Relationship Manager for the Highlands and Islands, explains more:

“December’s event, which was co-ordinated by Ruth Walker from Carrbridge Community Emergency Response team and ourselves, was a great way for us to share information about our Priority Services Register and the new Home Emergency Plan. As a follow-up to the event, Ruth suggested that it would be a great idea to deliver our information leaflets to every home in Carrbridge, helping our message reach as many people as possible.  Ruth offered to set up the team of volunteers to deliver both leaflets, which was a fantastic gesture, and a great example of a community doing all it can to bolster its resilience.”

Ruth explained more about SSEN’s engagement over the past year, and how the deliveries came about:

“Throughout the past year, the partnership between our Community Council and SSEN, especially Pamela Harvey, has been invaluable. The help given in the development of our ‘Community Emergency Response Plan’, finalised in September, culminated in a very successful resilience event in December and on the day, Pamela, along with her colleague Neil Riddoch, were able to answer questions from those residents that attended. Distributing these leaflets to every household seemed the responsible follow-up to get this important information out to all those who live in our village. The community is grateful to Pamela and SSEN for all their assistance.”

Learn more

  • Priority Services Register

    We all rely on electricity day to day for various things, but for some, a power cut can be worrying or difficult. That’s why we offer extra help and support during a power cut. Registering for our Priority Services helps us to help you when you need it most. All our priority services are free.
  • Home emergency plans

    A Home Emergency Plan can be used as a vital tool in your household (or to help another family member who does not live with you) to be prepared in an emergency situation, like a power cut.