Samantha O’Connor, SSEN’s Customer Relationship Manager, visited Lochgilphead recently to deliver 40 Home Emergency kits to the Argyll branch of the charity, all of which will be used to help the more socially-isolated members of the community be, and feel, more prepared ahead of an emergency or extreme weather event.

The kits contain items which can prove invaluable in an emergency situation, including wind-up torches, power banks and phone cables for charging if there is a power cut, foil blankets, hats alongside a copy of SSEN’s recently launched Home Emergency Plan and information on its Priority Services Register.

Denise Murdoch, Senior Operations Manager at Carr Gomm, said:

We’d like to thank SSEN Distribution for these Emergency Packs, they’ve already made a difference in the local communities we cover.

“As well as delivering the Emergency Packs, Samantha’s visit was also really helpful in terms of longer term support that SSEN can offer - she explained all about the company’s Resilient Communities Fund and how that’s designed to help not-for-profit groups and charities like ourselves. When the next round of funding opens, she’s going to help us with the application process, which is very much appreciated.”

Speaking after her visit to Lochgilphead, Samantha said:

It’s been great meeting with Denise and the team from Carr Gomm, they’re clearly very passionate about looking after the welfare of the local communities across Argyll and we’re pleased to be able to support them with these packs.

As well as being designed to provide practical help in an emergency situation, the Emergency Packs are also about offering customers an element of reassurance, knowing they’re that little bit more ready and able to cope in an emergency should the need arise. And so along with the physical items in the pack, such as the wind-up torches and radios, we’ve included a copy of our Home Emergency Plan - it’s a simple but essential tool to help our customers be prepared for an emergency situation by having all their important contact information, and actions they need to take, in one handy place.

For more details on SSEN Distribution’s Home Emergency Plan, please click here.

The above photo shows l-r Denise Murdoch, Senior Operations Manager at Carr Gomm, Maurice Muir, Responder at Carr Gomm and Samantha O'Connor, SSEN Distribution Customer Relationship Manager.