Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Distribution has announced an incentive scheme for flexibility service providers who successfully prequalify before 30 November.

Flexibility is the ability to shift the timing and location of the consumption and generation of electricity. SSEN is committed to deploying “Flexibility First” because balancing the grid allows distribution network operators (DNOs) to prioritise investment for network reinforcement and can help connect low carbon technology more quickly. Flexibility is a vital tool that allows SSEN to ensure value for money for customers.

SSEN is encouraging new market participants and offering £500 to any flexibility provider who pre-qualifies on the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) before 30 November 2022 and meets the eligibility criteria. The pre-qualification process involves a short questionnaire and some basic asset information. This offer will be backdated to all those providers who have already registered on the new DPS which was launched on 13 July 2022. A limited number of these payments is available for each of SSEN’s distribution licence areas, in the north of Scotland and central southern England.

Earlier this month, SSEN announced a new tender for flexibility capacity worth £6.7m (here), which will run until 30 November 2022 and is open to owners and operators of generation, storage and demand assets. Britain’s local flexibility markets are the largest in the world and the tendered flexibility this year of all distribution network operators (DNOs) will free up almost 4GW of capacity to manage network congestion - equivalent to the electricity demand for four million homes.

Gavin Stewart, Flexible Solutions Manager at SSEN said:

“We are committed to growing local flexibility markets to help balance our network. This incentive scheme demonstrates our commitment to encouraging new participants into the expanding flexibility market, particularly those who might otherwise not consider the possibilities and benefits that distribution flexibility markets offer.

“We want to make it easy and worthwhile for providers to take the first step. I and my team are always here to answer questions and offer support. I hope this and the incentive scheme will encourage many new participants.

Contact SSEN’s Flexible Services team with any questions on:

Visit SSEN’s website to learn more here.

Visit our Dynamic Purchasing System for flexibility services here.

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Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks

We are the electricity Distribution Network Operator (DNO) responsible for delivering power to over 3.8 million homes and businesses across central southern England and the north of Scotland. We serve some of the most diverse and unique geographies across the UK, and keep customers and communities connected whilst developing the flexible electricity network vital to achieving net zero.