Image of Lerwick Power Station and surrounding area

A mainstay in the infrastructure which will see Shetland’s local electricity network connected to the main GB grid is now under construction at Gremista.

The Gremista site is a key part of SSEN Distribution’s £99.8m overall investment in this historic project, and will see the distribution and transmission networks connected at a new substation – known as a Grid Supply Point (GSP).

SSEN Distribution has appointed island-based Tulloch Developments as its principal contractor for these works, with the overall project boosting the reliability of electricity supplies for homes and business on Shetland as well as supporting the country’s drive to net zero, with a dramatic drop in carbon emissions as the community moves away from the current reliance on fossil-fuel generation.

Construction teams started on site earlier this week, and this part of the project is expected to run through to early summer 2023, after which the site will be handed over to SSEN Transmission to complete the civils and electrical works required to connect the GSP to the transmission and distribution networks.

Construction will be carried out in two phases, with Phase One details below:

Phase One: Civil earthworks and drainage 

Working hours:

  • Monday to Friday - 7am to 7pm
  • Saturday - 9am to 6pm
  • Sunday - 10am to 5pm

No rock-breaking or crushing will occur before 9.30am on Sundays.

  • Blasting operations will be restricted to 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, and Saturday 8am to 3pm
  • No blasting on Sunday
  • Haulage movements to and from Staneyhill Quarry down the A970 to Gremista GSP will be restricted at weekends to between 8am and 6pm Saturday, and 8am to 5pm Sunday

As Phase Two will begin shortly before the handover to SSEN Transmission, further details will be announced nearer the time.

Mark Kelly, who is SSEN Distribution’s Project Director, said:

“Commencing work on the Grid Supply Point is a major milestone - not just for ourselves on the project, but also for the wider Shetland community - as this site is a key part of the islands being connected to the mainland GB network.

“SSEN Distribution has a fantastic longstanding relationship with the Shetland communities. This project has seen years of planning and consultations with the wider public, local stakeholders and landowners, and I’d like to thank Shetland Islands Council and Lerwick Port Authority for their support in the lead up to construction starting earlier this week.

“And we’re delighted to be working with Tulloch Developments on such a significant project. As a Shetland-based company, we believe their local knowledge, combined with over 40 years of experience, will help us to deliver the Grid Supply Point safely, on schedule and with the minimum impact on people’s day-to-day lives.”

Joe Smith, Director at Tulloch Developments, said:

“Working with SSEN Distribution is great news for everyone here at Tulloch Developments. We’re a local company with over 40 years of experience working across Shetland, and so we’re proud to be part of this major project, which will lead to us all being connected to the mainland GB electricity network.”

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Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks

We are the electricity Distribution Network Operator (DNO) responsible for delivering power to over 3.8 million homes and businesses across central southern England and the north of Scotland. We serve some of the most diverse and unique geographies across the UK, and keep customers and communities connected whilst developing the flexible electricity network vital to achieving net zero.