We start with a look back at May and what a wash-out it was. Wales recorded its wettest May since records began in 1862, and for England it was the fifth wettest May (and wettest since 1967). 

The weather has made a remarkable switch for the start of June with many places seeing a great improvement - dry and sunny weather with above average temperatures have made a return. An area of rain moving north from France will impact parts of England on Friday 4 June but this will be a temporary feature.

For the week commencing 7 June, a ridge of high pressure will extend north east from the Azores to bring mostly dry, sunny and warm or very weather weather. There may be an exception where parts of Ireland and north west Scotland could have a few cloudy, breezy and wetter days as an area of low pressure in the nearby Atlantic gets closer during the middle or end part of the week.

The following week (from Monday 14 June) also looks to be dominated by a high pressure weather pattern. The centre of the high will settle to the west of Ireland bringing more fine, warm summer's weather. However, we don't think a significant heatwave is likely, which will be good news for many. The daytime temperatures should top out at about 26 Celsius, with values slowly falling away after dark to 12 to 15 degrees for most of us.

The Met Desk map, in our main page image,shows the forecast mean temperatures for the five day period starting on 14 June. The colour code highlights the departure from average, so for example the orange colours tell us 2-3 C above average. In general it's slightly cooler along the east coasts with a gentle sea breeze.

Little change in the weather pattern is expected for the end of the month, so all in all for June it's looking warmer and sunnier than average, with rainfall down and some places having a very dry month after the very wet May.

We'll be back towards the end of June to see how the weather prospects are looking for July and the remainder of the summer.

For more weather information you can follow our meteorologist, Simon Cardy on twitter @weather_king.