Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has joined the charity Talkback UK in hosting an information session to help adults with autism or learning disabilities through the free, additional services the distribution operator can offer in the event of a power cut.

Held in Reading's Abbey Baptist Church on Wednesday 27 October, the session is one of a new series of events that Customer and Community Advisors from SSEN's Thames Valley region are setting up ahead of the winter months. Talkback UK is an autism and learning disability charity established in 1998, that works to develop clear programmes for helping members make the most of their lives through an inclusive, professional setting.

The Buckinghamshire based charity and the distribution operator worked carefully to ensure the session was fully compliant - with enhanced hygiene measures - and completely safe for all of those attending. On the day, attendees found out about the local opportunities and information available to them, including SSEN's advice on the additional help available through its Priority Services Register (PSR).

Attendees were able to discuss information on SSEN's Priority Services Register (PSR) and sign up on the day to receive the free extra support available during planned or unplanned power outages. By signing up to the PSR, SSEN can target support to its customers during a fault or planned outage to provide access to amenities, generators, welfare vans and, for blind or partially-sighted customers, information can also be provided in Braille or audio CD.

SSEN's Customer and Community Advisor, Anita Donovan:

"It's refreshing to be able to work with such a well-established charity as Talkback UK to hold this information session in person.

"By being able to reassure all of those attending that the event was Covid-safe, we were able to create a relaxed atmosphere that allowed for easy and informative conversations on the free services that we can offer customers to help them in the event of a power cut."

Yvette Toome from Talkback UK added:

"Our members, who have learning disabilities, enjoyed the session, asked questions and understood the importance of registering."

SSEN offers free, additional support to customers that need it through its Priority Services Register (PSR). Customers can qualify if they:

  • Are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Have a disability
  • Live with children under five
  • Are blind or partially sighted
  • Have a chronic illness
  • Use medical equipment/aids reliant on electricity
  • Are over 60
  • Are categorised at 'high risk' and 'extremely high risk' of severe illness from coronavirus.

To find out more about the PSR and to register for the free, additional assistance available, click here or call 0800 294 3259.