Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) is preparing its teams to respond to high winds which are forecast to hit Scotland later this week.

SSEN's current weather modelling shows a series of deep depressions crossing the Atlantic, likely to bring high winds and unsettled weather to the north of Scotland, which could result in interruptions to power supplies.

Although it is too early to be specific on timing and location, gusts of up to 80mph are currently predicted, with disruption possible over the Christmas period.

SSEN's Director of Customer Operations, Dale Cargill, said:

"Although this is an early forecast and should be treated as such, we are well-prepared for the bad weather. We have frontline and support staff on standby and if there is damage to our network, our teams will be well-placed to get power restored to our customers as quickly and safely as possible."

"We will continue to monitor the weather situation as it develops over the coming days and keep our customers fully informed."

Customers are encouraged to be prepared in the event of possible disruption to power supplies, by:

  • Saving the new emergency power cut number '105'  to your phone to use if your power goes off, or if you see any damage to the electricity network.
  • Downloading SSEN's Power Track app to give you details of power cuts and restoration times.
  • Going to SSEN's Ready For Winter pages, where there is a wealth of advice and information on how to prepare for a possible loss of power.
  • Following SSEN on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates

In the event of an interruption in power supplies, SSEN's customer service team will make outbound calls to customers on our Priority Service Register to offer extra assistance, where required. People can qualify for the PSR if they:

  • Are dependent on electricity for home medical care
  • Have a chronic illness or short-term medical condition
  • Are disabled
  • Have special communication needs
  • Have a young baby or receive a state pension.

To find out more about the PSR, click here or call 0800 294 3259: