Employees from Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) have given Keith Community Council a helping hand this winter by volunteering to put up Keith's Christmas lights.

A team of engineers from SSEN including Michael Cameron, Chris Gordon and Gordon Sutherland assisted Keith Community Council to erect the mile-long stretch of lights at the end of October, and visited again earlier this month to help finish off the job.

As part of SSEN's Be the Difference programme, employees are encouraged to use a day of their time to volunteer and help local charities and communities of their choice. Through SSEN's engagement with local community councils in the north of Scotland, members of Keith Community Council became aware of the programme and approached SSEN for help.


Shona Horn, Customer Relationship Manager at SSEN said:  " We are keen to engage with as many local community councils as possible in the north-east to help them with resilience planning and explain the services we offer to our customers, particularly in the lead up to and during the winter period. When we approached Keith Community Council and attended one of their meetings, we made sure we let them know about our Be the Difference volunteering programme.

"The programme allows SSEN's employees to take a day of their time to volunteer in the local communities in which they live and work. This gives us all the opportunity to give back to the community and make a difference when they need our help or any specialised equipment we can provide. We were delighted to help Keith Community Council with their Christmas lights this year and hope they bring some joy to the community over the festive period."

Sandy Dickson, Community Councillor and member of the Keith Christmas Lights Committee, said: "The Keith Christmas Lights Committee has really appreciated SSEN giving us a vehicle with men who have been able to do the work of fitting cables and putting up the lights. This has enabled us to complete a mile long stretch from Keith right through to Fife, Keith. Hopefully, locals and visitors will enjoy the efforts that have been made to brighten up our town at Christmas time."