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Powering Customers to Net Zero Group

Our Powering Customers to Net Zero Group (PCNZ) is a formal group which provides representation at a strategic level from a wide range of stakeholder segments including Local Government, Sustainability and Environment and Community Energy. The Group have direct routes to our senior leaders and Board. We established the PCNZ Group to act in the interests of stakeholders and customers by independently scrutinising and critically questioning the delivery of our ED2 business plan and emerging issues.

DSO Advisory Board

The DSO Advisory Board (DSOAB) brings together a group of impressive individuals with diverse and highly relevant skills in consumer engagement, community energy, energy markets and system operation, energy policy, and law. 

The role of the DSO Advisory Board is to critically evaluate our DSO plans, methodologies and their delivery with the interests of communities and stakeholders front-and-centre.  Importantly, they’ll hold the “Smart, Fair, Now” pledge up to the light, to ensure the decisions made live up to the promise of this phrase.

Inclusive Service Panel

Our Independent Inclusive Service Panel (ISP) is a group of experts with a working knowledge of issues relating to equality, diversity, and inclusion. The Panel, set up in 2017, challenge thinking and provide innovative suggestions and practical ideas to further improve the inclusive nature of the services offered to our customers. Fuel poverty, the Priority Service Register and removing inequalities in the uptake of low carbon technologies are discussed at each panel meeting.

The PCNZ, DSO Advisory Board and ISP all consist of independent Chairs and members.  The Chairs of each group meet on a regular basis to ensure there is a deep understanding of the work each Group undertakes and how they complement each other.  All groups are attended by senior SSEN colleagues.  

Our Chairs:

Chair of the PCNZ

Tracey Matthews

Tracey Matthews, Chair of the PCNZ

Tracey is an independent consultant specialising in business transformation in the energy, transport and utility sectors for blue chip organisations. Tracey has previously held Non-Executive roles with Highways Agency, Office of Rail and Road and UK Coal Ltd.

Currently, she is the independent Chair for Scottish and Southern Electricity Transmission’s Network for Net Zero Group and Distribution’s Powering Customers to Net Zero Group. She is a Non-Executive Director with Office of Nuclear Regulation and with Transport for Greater Manchester.

She serves as a Board member of Energy and Utility Skills Group Ltd, and is an independent Audit and Risk Committee member, University of Sheffield.

Chair of the DSO Advisory Board

Gareth Miller

Gareth Miller, Chair of the DSO Advisory Board

Gareth Miller is the Chairperson of SSEN Distribution's DSO Advisory Board. 


Gareth is a former CEO of Cornwall Insight, energy project finance banker and energy policy maker.


He's currently a Non-Executive Director and strategic advisor, and market commentator specialising in the energy sector.

Chair of the Inclusive Service Panel (ISP)

Carolyn Delehanty

Carolyn Delehanty, Chair of the Inclusive Service Panel (ISP)

Carolyn is an independent consultant specialising in Vulnerable Customer Experience. 


She was in utilities for 19 years prior to establishing Delehanty Consulting in 2019.


Driven by her passion for vulnerable customers and lived experience of vulnerability, she specialises in supporting the organisations they engage with to deliver experiences which are memorable for all the right reasons.


She has a proven track record in delivering tangible results by helping colleagues listen to and understand the needs of their vulnerable customers and design services which meet or exceed their needs. She also offers all the support and methods required to enable the culture shift to make this approach scalable.  Her clients see customer, colleague, and commercial benefits in every improvement they deliver.


She is also the Vulnerability Lead and awards judge for the Collaboration Network, a sought-after speaker on vulnerable customer matters and is described by her clients as the leading authority on Inclusive Service Design.

Do you have a question?

If you have a question for our Stakeholder Advisory Panel or our Inclusive Service Panel?

Send an email to our Stakeholder Engagement team and they will be able to help answer any questions you may have for our chairpersons and panel members.