We are planning to invest £33.3M to boost the electricity network in the local area.

We have submitted a planning application to allow us to install approximately 4.6km of new electricity cables, and connect them to a new electricity substation, which would be built as part of the project. The cables would be laid underground.

The proposed new substation would be accessed off Blanket Street in West Worldham. Download our design of the substation to see what we are proposing.

The project would provide visual improvement to the local landscape

If approved, the scheme would see approximately 4km of overhead line removed from the view around Worldham. Download our map below to see where the overhead lines would be removed.

Removing this section of overhead lines will also reduce the number of access requests made to landowners, for future maintenance works.

Our planning application is available on the East Hampshire District Council Planning Portal. If granted, it would allow the underground cables to be connected, from new and existing overhead powerlines, to a new electricity substation along three separate routes. Read our FAQs below for details on the cable routes.

A decision on the planning application is expected within six months (but is subject to change). In the meantime, we remain in conversation with landowners with regards to obtaining voluntary agreement for land rights. A Compulsory Purchase Order, would only be used as a last resort to acquire the land and land rights necessary for the project.

If our application is approved, we could start work as early as November 2024 - lasting up to 24 months. There are no planned power cuts scheduled to take place should the project get the go-ahead. All dates are subject to change.

Community events

We are hosting a drop-in event to share more information about our proposals and answer your questions.

The event is taking place:

31 May 2024, 2:30 – 6:30pm

East Worldham Village Hall

Opposite Church Lane

East Worldham

Hampshire GU34 3AZ.

Why are these works being proposed?

We need to upgrade our network to meet increased demand from new homes around Alton. Our new substation will provide an energy “buffer” for Fernhurst – reducing the impact of any outages in our wider network and mean we can connect new low-carbon energy technologies – like solar panels and battery storage – to our network.

Our project will:

  • provide a more resilient power supply during adverse weather
  • remove approximately 4 kilometres of overhead lines and 14 pylons from view
  • create additional capacity so we can connect solar generation, electric vehicle chargers, and heat pumps to our network
  • reduce access requests to landowners for maintenance

We have the environment in mind

The works are futureproofing and strengthening your area’s power supply to cope with severe weather events. It will also help support greater uptake of low carbon technologies.

Discover more on our Smarter Electricity page.

Ecology and Biodiversity

We are committed to protecting and improving our natural environment. This includes biodiversity net gain (BNG) in line with planning requirements.

We have carried out extensive surveys along our cabling route and substation site to understand the impact we might have and identify the work we need to do to deliver our BNG commitments.

We will make sure all our teams are aware of any protected habitats and species and the mitigations we’ve put in place. For example, we’ll avoid removing vegetation used by nesting birds between March and August.

We will also work with ecologists to carry out fingertip searches for dormice before we clear any vegetation and only use hand tools to minimise disturbance.

Get in touch 

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Concerned about vulnerability in a power cut?

Commonly asked questions

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