What work is being done?

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) is expanding the Wimborne substation to accommodate a new 11kV switchboard. This addition will improve reliability, condition of assets, increase capacity and strengthen the local electricity network.

Why is this work necessary?

We need to replace all eleven 11kV circuit breakers at Wimborne substation as the current equipment is nearing the end of its operational lifespan. The new switchboard will not only replace outdated equipment but also futureproof the area’s power supply, supporting the greater use of low-carbon technologies. Learn more on our Smarter Electricity page.

How will this affect you?

Residents near the site will notice contractors working as we prepare and begin construction. Due to the limited space at the substation, a temporary operational work site, including a construction compound, site office, and temporary access routes through Greenclose Lane, will be set up.

Safety is our number one priority

For your safety, please note that fenced areas are fully operational work sites, and there is no unsupervised public access beyond these points.

Our sustainability commitments

We are dedicated to minimising environmental impacts and ensuring no net loss of biodiversity on our large projects. This project underwent an ecological assessment during which consideration was given to the potential presence of protected species, such as badgers, bats and dormice. 

Wimborne Substation is a small site and there is limited space to accommodate the required construction works. We completed an arboricultural assessment to ascertain how the project would affect nearby trees and whilst it was possible to design the project around some of the existing trees, the removal of two trees was unavoidable. 

To compensate for the loss of these trees, and to achieve our goal of no-net loss of biodiversity, we are committed to replanting trees within the community and welcome suggestions for suitable locations from local residents, businesses, and organisations. If you know a place that would benefit from tree planting using trees donated by SSEN, please contact us at LCD@sse.com.

Good to know:

There are no Planned Supply Interruptions (PSI) as part of this project.


Contact Us

We are a considerate constructor and want to help answer any questions you may have. Please use the following details:

Have a question about the project?

Feel free to email us below for more information regarding the project.
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Have a complaint?

You can email us with any concerns or queries you may have, or alternatively you can call us on 0800 980 1395.

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Concerned about vulnerability in a power cut?

Visit our Priority Services page for more information or call us on 0800 284 3259.