Whole System energy solutions for the Scottish Islands

We’re currently in our RIIO-ED2 price control period, which runs from 2023 to 2028.

As part of the final agreement, which was reached with Ofgem, we’re able to apply for additional funding to deliver whole system solutions for net zero and to support security of supply in Scotland’s islands.

There are 2 reopener windows for submission of these applications. In January 2024 we submitted our proposals for the Outer Hebrides to Ofgem; you can find the submission documents in the Outer Hebrides Submission section below. In January 2025 we plan to submit proposals for the Orkney Islands and Inner Hebrides.

In creating our case for these submissions, we are building strategic development plans for our Island network needs out to 2050. As part of our whole system approach, we’ve been working with technical specialists and system analysts, while also engaging closely with customers and stakeholders in the islands to understand their future requirements and additional aims. We’ve published these insights for each of the island groups in the documents section below.

We know that thorough stakeholder engagement is a vital part of our preparation for network improvements, and we’ve held a series of webinars and meetings to seek views from customers and stakeholders to help shape our plans and will be continuing to engage with our communities as we work through our proposals.