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Investing in our network to power the future

Our £2.49 million upgrade project to boost the resilience of the power supply to an area of the busy coastal town of Bournemouth will get underway in early spring. 

Starting on 1 March 2022 - and running until December of the same year - the programme of works to future-proof the network for homes and businesses in the Victoria Park area of Bournemouth will see the replacement of the underground cable running between the two substations located at East Howe and Victoria Park. By introducing 2.2 kilometers of more modern and efficient cabling that will serve the needs of the area’s 11,500 customers for many years to come. 

In addition to the replacement and upgrade of existing infrastructure, we will also upgrade connections at the associated substations. This investment in the latest technology will ensure the strength of Victoria Park’s power network, keeping power flowing to those living and working in the area and helping them meet their net-zero goals with an infrastructure fit for the future.

The nature of these works will mean that some sections of the upgrade will require temporary traffic management systems. These measures will be planned by us in association with Highways England and local authorities, with any customers in the vicinity being notified in advance. Details of these traffic systems will also be available on this project page.

Current programme of works 

Our interactive map below provides real-time updates on the progress of our works, however, you can also download our current programme of works, so you know where we are working and when. 

Download our current programme of works

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