Contact us in Scotland

  • Email us Get in touch with our Scotland team

Contact Us in England

  • Email us Get in touch with our England team

We're investing over £15m in a project which will see the undergrounding of 90km of overhead lines in Areas of Outstanding National Landscape, National Parks and National Scenic Areas in the north of Scotland and central southern England. 

We want to target the sections of our network which will restore the national landscape and visual amenity, and so your help in suggesting where we can underground the lines is really important. The video below explains more about the scheme, and the application form for you to fill in is at the foot of this page. 

Ofgem has set up a separate initiative for mitigating visual impacts with regards to Transmission infrastructure. This initiative is being run in parallel and where applicable we will seek to work closely with our Transmission company to ensure that stakeholder projects and proposals are well coordinated. 

Please visit the following for information on the Transmission initiative here. 

If you know of an Area of National Landscape, National Park, or Natural Scenic Area that could perhaps be improved by the removal of our overhead lines and wooden poles, we want to hear from you. The scheme is open to everyone, all we ask is that you click below to fill out our form and include a photograph of the area including the poles and overhead lines.

Mapping system of assets

Click on the drop downs below to view our mapping system of all our assets and whether they fall into designated sites and are applicable for undergrounding. 

How to nominate a scheme

If you know of an Area of National Landscape, National Park or Natural Scenic Area that could perhaps be improved by the removal of our overhead lines and wooden poles, we want to hear from you. The scheme is open to everyone, all we ask is that you complete the form below and include a photograph of the area including the poles and overhead lines.

  • Nominate a scheme in Scotland

    If you would like to apply to nominate a section of overhead line to be underground in Scotland, please click here to fill out our form.
  • Nominate a scheme in England

    If you would like to apply to nominate a section of overhead line to be underground in England, please click here to fill out our form.