Achieving our Net Zero ambition

The scale and pace of low-carbon power growth is something we should all be proud of. Developers and networks have connected around 50GW of renewable power since the 90s. But it’s clear that what got us here, won’t support us getting to Net Zero at pace.

If we are to meet net zero, we need to deliver even more, and do it even faster.

We have seen uptake of low carbon technologies from our Customers at levels which we have never experienced before. To put this into context, National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) have indicated that, without any type of reinforcement, the existing Transmission network would be significantly overloaded if all contracted Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) were to connect, as the current contracted connections queue is in excess of 600GW.

There are a large number of Distribution Customers who already have renewable energy projects sufficiently developed enough to connect ahead of reinforcement. We run the risk that the time taken to reinforce could deter investment from renewable developers which in turn, will not align with the UK and Scottish Governments Net-Zero ambitions.

How we plan to boost the network:

We have been working with the ESO, TO’s and all DNOs to agree a process that allows customers to connect to the network without having to wait for transmission reinforcements. We’ve established a number of phases to roll out Technical Limits at our Grid Supply points. 

The way technical limits will work, is SSEN will receive a defined power flow limit from NGESO, which will allow us to connect Customers on a non-firm basis, ensuring we remain within the limit. This will enable Customers to connect ahead of transmission reinforcement, but will result in curtailment. We will provide a curtailment report as part of your offer. 

This is an opt-in process, so if you are interested in accelerating your connection date, please respond to our expression of interest. 

Where are we rolling out

Minimising disruption to our network and customers

To implement technical limits, SSEN shall design, build and implement an Active Network Management (ANM) scheme which shall manage power flow at the GSP boundaries. We will collaborate with the external ANM supplier to ensure that the system is fit for purpose for us, and our Customers and we will engage with those Customers at every step of the way,

SSEN want to take a ‘staged’ approach in implementing this solution and therefore plan to implement a phased delivery approach based on the suitability of each GSP.

As the solution will require active control of network assets it is essential for customers connecting to the scheme have robust communications in place.

Customers should expect to see additional costs associated with the equipment and communications infrastructure required at customer connection points.

Technical Limits at GSPs will not remove any conditional reinforcement of the SSEN Distribution network.


To be eligible for technical limits, your connection must be:

For England - <100MW and connecting at a GSP with technical limits (See ‘Where are we rolling out?’ above)

For Scotland - <10MW and connecting at a GSP with technical limits (See ‘Where are we rolling out?' above)


Step 1
SSEN will issue Customers an expression of interest if they are eligible.
Step 2
Customer to respond to expression of Interest before the response date.
Step 3
For customers who have expressed an interest, SSEN will produce an offer for technical limits, including a curtailment assessment and costs for the ANM, as well as indicative costs for the communications required.
Step 4
The customer has time to review the offer and decide if they wish to accept
Step 5
Customer accepts (if they do not accept, the contract will remain at the previously contracted position / design).
Step 6
SSEN will begin the works required to install technical limits for those Customers who are progressing.

Building a sustainable network

The work we are undertaking in this space will help greater support the uptake of low carbon technologies and enable us to support the transition to net-zero.

Discover more on our Smart, Fair, Now DSO page.


Where can I go for further information?

If you would like to discuss your options in more detail, your Connections Contract Manager is the best person to speak to in the first instance, please contact them via email at:

Email us