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We are working in Southampton to deliver a £10 million re-cabling scheme that will provide a modern and more resilient electricity network in the area.
Advance works
Between September and mid-November 2023, the SSEN Southampton project undertook some advance works that included trial holes and installing approx. 600m of cabling in East Park Terrace and New Road.
Project status
Advance works have been undertaken in Southampton city centre with the first stage of re-cabling in East Park Terrace and New Road completed in November 2023. A further phase of the planned city centre works on Civic Centre Road has been postponed until Autumn 2024.
Minimising travel disruption and noise are our priority
The nature of these works will mean that we will be closing the roads for our works to take place supported by a temporary traffic management system to be put in place. These measures will be planned by us in association with Highways England and local authorities, with any customers in the vicinity being notified in advance.
We understand that these works may cause some disruption and noise, however using industry best practice, our contractors will do everything to minimise any inconvenience. Look out for our maintenance signs, on the road network, for further information and diversions.
Why we’re boosting the electricity network
The works are part of larger cable replacement scheme of existing fluid-filled cables between the substations at Southampton Primary, Beavois Valley and Woodmill Lane. The scheme itself represents over a £10 million investment in the electricity network in Southampton and includes an upgrade between Southampton Primary and Woodmill Lane that provides reinforcement keeping power flowing to those living and working in the Southampton area.
We have the environment in mind
The works are futureproofing and strengthening your area’s power supply to cope with severe weather events. It will also help support greater uptake of low carbon technologies.
Discover more on our Smarter Electricity page.